Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Economic Stimulus Package

As I keep reading in the news that Senate Democrats (such as Nancy Pelosi, whom the article quotes directly) want to put yet another "economic stimulus" package on the table for President Obama to sign on his first day as President. I think it goes without saying that another economic stimulus package is not what this country's leadership needs to be worried about. Giving free money to all Americans who file taxes sounds good, but where is all this money coming from?

Our children will still be paying this "Economic stimulus" crap off in 50 years. For a party that seems so concerned about protecting the environment and ensuring a "decent" standard of living for future generations, going $500 BILLION into debt doesn't seem to add up. Add this to the fact that, despite anything President-elect Obama promised on the campaign trail about lowering taxes in the middle- and lower-class brackets, he can't do it. There's no way - in order to pay for all the governmental "change we believe in", the government is going to have to increase taxes all around - how's THAT for change? If anyone out there can explain to me how Obama can give Americans another economic stimulus package, bail out Corporate America, lower taxes, and increase our standard of living (with any number of ideas that were bandied around during the election cycle: socialized medicine, green power, etc) and still make any sense at all, I'd love to hear it.

Another fun note: Obama has taken a stance on the successor to the Kyoto Protocol. Obama, in only his second public statement of policy, has committed the United States to being in the "leading role of saving the environment". A quote, from my sources:

Alarming though it may be that the next US President should have fallen for all this claptrap, much more worrying is what he proposes to do on the basis of such grotesque misinformation. For a start he plans to introduce a "federal cap and trade system", a massive "carbon tax", designed to reduce America's CO2 emissions "to their 1990 levels by 2020 and reduce them an additional 80 per cent by 2050". Such a target, which would put America ahead of any other country in the world, could only be achieved by closing down a large part of the US economy.

Scary, no? If you read the article further, it points out the flaws in Obama's ecological views (most of which seem to have come from Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth). But, judge for yourselves - read the article and hit me up with your ideas and observations.

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