Wednesday, March 18, 2009


DAMMIT, people!! Why can't we get some accountability in the federal government?!?!?! All I want is a promise; just a simple agreement that WILL BE HONORED to not just throw taxpayer dollars at corporate executives for "employee retention". I've never heard such a hideous joke in my life - unemployment is skyrocketing, and these same schlubs that drove the corporations into the ground are getting MORE MONEY?!?!?!?

Did I slip into a wormhole somewhere?? Is federal responsibility and competence dead???

I'm going to bed before I have to read any more about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well yes AIG deserves some of the blame, but then they're doing what the law allows. The root of the problem lies with Chris Dodd and the other I-didn't-read-the-bill-but-voted-yes-anyway Senators.

Corporations do not have a conscience. It's up to the shareholders, employees, customers, creditors/business partners and Boards to act as one. When nobody cares, that's when things get out of control.

K.C. <--got here from Fox Nation