Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sour Grapes for AIG

Another [AIG employee] was even more irate, lashing out at the public for scapegoating AIG employees. "To be honest with you, I really hope it blows up. I think the U.S. taxpayer deserves to lose a trillion dollars over this thing for the way they have behaved."

What sort of ignorant, scum-sucking monster would even say something like this?
If there were any real justice in this world, whoever made this ridiculous comment would have their shrivelled balls ripped clean away from their body. NEWS FLASH FOR AIG - you guys actually DID help tank the economy. Bad lending practices were totally in play for you and many other companies. This does not excuse the guilty, however.

This person is clearly upset about not getting their promised bonuses. But what of that? I'm upset because DUE TO THIS ASSHOLE'S COMPANY (and a few others), there is now a massive public debt (to the tune of about 40 grand for EVERY person in this country). Now, I've never owned a credit card. I've never applied for a loan. But in theory, now I won't be able will invariably tighten up, and due to these horrible lending practices (esp. sub-prime mortgages), I imagine it will take a long time for our economy to recover.

So fuck this AIG employee...he speaks from unenlightened self-interest and ignorance. His puling foolishness has no place in a modern society, and if there is any fairness to be found in this world, this fool will be abducted from his job by men in black jumpsuits and flogged like the whining bitch he surely is.

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